
News & Publications

Tafakari Yearbook 2024

OVERVIEW DOI: As an organization dedicated to behavioral science in pursuit of poverty alleviation, we feel that pressure from all around us. There is pressure from the outside world: climate

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Link, learn, laugh

When you’re giving grants to support marginalized and discriminated groups across two continents, the fact that there are similarities and learnings that can be cross pollinated cannot be ignored.

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Meeting the mark

Precision is the tell of extraordinary marksmanship. However, it is preceded by numerous missed shots, form adjustment, choice of weapon, and the strength of character to keep shooting better.

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Pick and choose

Deciding which message works for a given audience should be considered an extreme sport given all the context, nuances, and innuendo you have to sift through to make that choice.

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LCMT Launch Webinar

We are excited to launch the updated LCMT Toolkit and website. The Toolkit is now available in both English and Swahili! The multi-lingual toolkit and website represent a significant step forward in our collaborative efforts with our partners and friends to address the barriers CSOs face in adopting evidence, experimentation and behavioral science in messaging. During the launch, we will present the toolkit and website features, discuss their impact, and explore strategies for leveraging them to enhance CSO communication campaigns. Our focus will be on using behavioral science to drive online civic engagement, creating effective and engaging advocacy messages.
Event Details:
  • Theme: Behavioral Science in Action: Crafting Messages That Matter
  • Date: 29th August, 2024
  • Time: 11 AM to 1:00 PM EAT
  • Platform: Zoom


During the 2024 CSO Week, the Busara team will lead a breakout session titled “Designing Effective Advocacy Messages for Behavior Change: Insights from the LCMT Toolkit.” This session will offer attendees practical strategies and guidance for crafting advocacy messages that effectively drive behavioral change and influence their target audiences.